Learn how to write 1/5 as a decimal with our AI assistant. Convert fractions to decimals quickly and accurately. Try now to solve your math problems effortlessly!
Quickly find out what 1/5 is as a decimal. Our tool helps you convert 1/5 to a decimal, answer questions like 'what is 1/5 as a decimal', and provide the decimal form of 1/5.
Convert mixed numbers like 1 and 1/5 to their decimal forms. Whether it's 1 1/5, -1 1/5, or 5 1/5, our tool provides accurate conversions and explanations.
Understand the relationship between fractions, decimals, and percentages. Convert 1/5 to both decimal and percent forms effortlessly.
1/5 as a decimal is 0.2. Our tool can help you convert it quickly and provide detailed explanations if needed.
To convert 1/5 to a decimal, divide 1 by 5. The result is 0.2. Use our tool for a quick and accurate conversion.
Yes, you can convert mixed numbers like 1 1/5 to decimals. Our tool provides accurate conversions and step-by-step explanations.