Standard Signature
Compact Signature
Large Signature
Minimalist Signature
Standard Signature
Compact Signature
Large Signature
Minimalist Signature
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Infinite revisions
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Trusted by millions
Determine the ideal email signature size, including the dimensions for Gmail, Outlook, and other platforms. Understand the best size for images, logos, and banners to ensure a professional and cohesive look.
Explore various email signature designs and templates, including HTML templates for Gmail. Find the best formats and designs to create a visually appealing email signature that fits your brand.
Learn how to add images and photos to your email signature. Get tips on resizing images, adding photos, and ensuring your email signature looks great across different email clients.
The best size for an email signature typically ranges between 300-600 pixels wide and 70-200 pixels high. It should be large enough to include necessary information but not so large that it overwhelms the email content.
To add a photo to your email signature, use the email client's signature editor to insert an image. Make sure the image is properly resized to fit within the signature dimensions.
The best formats for email signature images are PNG and JPEG. PNG is preferred for logos and graphics due to its lossless compression, while JPEG is suitable for photos.